The Green Business Directory is dedicated to finding green businesses throughout Maryland and Washington DC. To expand on their work, we have compiled a list of as many green businesses in Maryland on one convenient page to help residents and visitors alike find green businesses to support within the state.
Bethesda Green– Bethesda Green is dedicated towards bringing sustainable ecosystems to urban areas within Bethesda, Maryland. They work with green entrepreneurs to create a greener, local community and harness the power of community by encouraging environmental education, partnerships with the government, and sustainable business advice.
Produce & Goods
Village Green Apothecary– Village Green is an apothecary that has been certified by numerous green initiatives. They provide customers with a place to dispose of expired or unwanted drugs so that the medications do not go into Chesapeake Bay. They also buy 50% of their energy as renewable and carry eco-friendly brands to provide the community with the most ethically-sourced health products possible.
Amicus Green Building Center– Located just southeast of Rockville, Amicus Green is the epitome of sustainable businesses. They create and design stunning spaces using sustainable business practices. They also have eco-products to nurture the routine use of more environmentally-friendly home improvement supplies. With all of their energy made from wind power to 100% recycled office paper, this company goes above and beyond to provide sustainable services to the building community.
Metro Microgreens-Vertical gardens meet indoor farms through Metro Microgreens. Determined to grow local produce organically and sustainably, Metro Microgreens supplies local businesses and residents with their microgreens. They use advanced technology to grow their greens hydroponically, and the founder started a free garden school to educate the youth on sustainable gardening practices.
One Acre Farm– Located outside of Rockville, this farm supplies locals with fresh, sustainably-grown produce. Their animals graze freely, fertilizing the fields and eating unwanted insects, and they use drip irrigation techniques to conserve water. In addition, they use no chemicals and apply only organic, naturally-sourced fertilizers to promote healthier soil and plants.
Red Wiggler– Red Wiggler community farm is a sustainable farm and community that aims to employ adults who have developmental disabilities while also providing healthy food and education. They serve more than 1500 people per year and strive in their quest to give people from all walks of life equal opportunities.
Silver Spring
Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op– This co-op provides locals with fresh, clean produce from over 200 local farms and businesses. In addition, they support the community by donating to charities and outreach programs.
Food & Drink
Green Plate Catering– Green Plate Catering offers a wide selection of gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian options, while also providing locally-sourced, sustainable ingredients. Green Plate heavily implements farm-to-table practices and partners with clean energy providers to help change the world. In addition, 95% of their bio-waste is animal-free, and they recycle or end up composting over 87% of it.
KOL Foods– KOL Foods utilizes regenerative grazing and promotes the education of regenerative practices by donating to charities that support educating farmers of the benefits of using regenerative practices. Their building is LEED (Green) Certified and has ground-source temperature management, green roofing, and electricity provided by wind power. They also package foods in biodegradable coolers made from recycled plant fibers. They even have a slaughterhouse that converts waste into biodiesel that they in turn use to power it.
Neighborhood Sun-Neighborhood Sun uses Community Solar to provide locals with clean energy that is affordable. By not using costly panels, they save users the cost of installation and fees. Instead, the solar panels are connected to the electricity grid, and customers share the benefits of clean electricity.
Home Improvement
All Eco Center– All Eco uses sustainably-sourced materials to build beautiful houses. Designing and crafting green homes and commercial buildings within the Maryland, Washington D.C., and Vermont area, All Eco is located between Silver Spring and Rockville. They are involved in many community-wide organizations and are certified green by a number of green organizations.
Intentional Community
Eastern Village Cohousing– Eastern Village is a co-housing facility that has a sustainable urban garden within its community. They are a certified by LEED and use environmental design and housing to create a more sustainable living environment for like-minded individuals.